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January 2017: Student Spotlight featuring Annina Baker

The Princess Project


Graduating in 2017 with a B.S. in Engineering, engaged to be married, Annina’s Dreams are really coming true but she has always been there to help children find their voice and to inspire them to dream! Read about how Annina founded a company to “give back”.


During my junior year of high school, I was inspired to find a way to “give back” to my community. I wanted to do something that was not only unique, but something that I was also extremely passionate about. After much thinking and brainstorming, I decided to create The Princess Project. The Princess Project, consists of twenty college and high school students that dress as fairytale princesses and princes and visit with hospitalized, special needs and underprivileged children. The characters perform a short play that includes enchanting musical and dance numbers, and conclude with a "meet and greet" and autographs with the children. Our mission is to inspire these children to find their voice and follow their dreams while maintaining integrity and selflessness. Since the group’s inception, we have performed at various Head Start programs in Philadelphia, CHOP, and several special needs homes and schools.

It is my hope that in meeting their favorite characters, these children, who have great obstacles to overcome, will see that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to, just like the princess-es. I hope to bring these strong role models to life, so that the children can learn how to become strong and independent people. I want these children to know that they too have a voice and that their opinions count and their actions are powerful. There is something truly humbling in meeting with these children. At each event we are greeted by awestruck faces wearing smiles from ear to ear. Their eyes sparkle when they see their favorite characters, and they are so full of joy that they jump into our arms for a warm embrace. These children face some of the most challenging obstacles in our world – Cancer, Autism, and poverty – and yet they are so full of love and hope. We watch as each child realizes the power in their strength to dream, and we see how every little boy and girl is a prince or princess in his or her own way. To me, these children are the true heroes and heroines. They are the ones who, no matter how difficult life may seem, still sport a smile on their faces. They are inspiringly strong, and truly beautiful. There are not words to describe the admiration I feel towards these children, or how humbling it is to have the privilege to visit with them. They have impacted every facet of my life. I am empowered to dream without limitations as they do, and to approach life’s struggles with a smile. As I reflect on the experiences The Princess Project has provided for me, I am incredibly thankful, and I want to continue this work as long as possible.


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