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May Acts of Kindness– All of YOU who wrote reviews!

Great Non-Profits Charity Database

Back in January, you were all asked to take a moment to write a review about why you support BWSF and grade the work that the foundation does. The comments and 5 star ratings everyone provided have propelled us to keep our status and we have been officially ranked nationally as one of the 2018 Top-Rated Nonprofits!!! Thank you to everyone who participated.


Here’s the review by Nancy Neary detailing her Villanova experience and why she choses to support BWSF I was a senior track athlete set to graduate Villanova University in 1983. My senior year I was $1500 short of my $14,000 tuition and had no way of funding the gap. The second youngest of 5, my dad had just lost his teaching job at a Catholic HS that was about to close, I had no way to meet that gap and thought I was not going to be able to complete my senior year and graduate. I went to the financial aide office to explain my predicament. I was told there wasn’t anything they could do as all the monies had been allocated. I was maxed out on the amount of student loans I could take...I was devastated.

Next thing I knew, a few weeks later, I received an updated statement from the University. Listed on my statement was a $1500 grant by an anonymous donor. To this day, I don’t know where that money came from, but I am forever grateful for being able to complete my education at Villanova.

When I became involved in the Blue and White Scholarship program, my heart soared as I felt I could now pay back (or forward), the generosity given to me all those years ago. What better way to help fellow Villanova students, the ones that hardly anyone “talks” about. Those that are fighting to complete their education due to financial challenges and family hardships.

The Blue White Scholarship Foundation’s vision to create a world where no student should have a financial hardship that prohibits them from completing their undergraduate degree, is a vision that I heartily share, having experienced that hardship myself. It’s an incredible vision, to close the gap, while at the same time, upholding the values of good moral character and accountability as each recipient sends thank-you letters and agrees to “pay it forward” when they are financially able to so and help future Villanova students in the same situation. Each and every time I receive a personal thank-you letter from a recipient, not only does it bring me back to how I felt in 1983 as yes, a desperate, despairing student, but it gives me HOPE in the future for that student and their life-long contributions as a graduate of Villanova University.

Blue White is near and dear to my heart and the long-lasting positive impact it has on the recipients is proof that this program is an incredibly worthy cause.

E-mail Contest Winners– We now have a 4.9 Rating!

I sent out an E-mail asking people to write a review on Facebook too. I offered a BWSF golf shirt to the first few participants. Congrats!

Ray Fernandez ‘86

Jack Geoghegan ‘64

Rich Segrave-Daly ’90

William Fatek ‘70

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