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June Donor of the Month– Paul Morra ’59

Paul Morra has tripled his donation amounts in the past three years and is now responsible for almost two full scholarships. I wondered how he had become so successful and asked him about life after Villanova. His answer: What have I done since graduation? That was “59” years ago. I’m still working 2 days a week and enjoy it. I get away 4 months of the year to my Florida home. I still play golf a couple times a week.

In my business, I have helped my workers better themselves and treated all my workers with respect and have helped them when they needed it. I’ve been honorable during my years in business and in life, it must have been my good Catholic teaching at VU. I’m very honored to help these wonderful students and I hope when they succeed in business, that they’ll do the same.

My business, Crusader Candle Co., has been providing quality religious candles since 1946. Our candle company is a family owned company, providing work for local residents. We try to provide the best quality wax, colors, wick, scents and glass. We are respected in our industry and one of the leaders. You will always know our candles by looking for the Lucky Horseshoe on the bottom of the glass.

The company has been blessed with a sign from our Lady of Guadalupe. According to tradition, the Virgin Mary appeared to an indigenous man named Juan Diego on Dec. 9, 1531. The Virgin asked that a shrine in her name be built on the spot where she appeared, Tepeyac Hill, which is now in a suburb of Mexico City. Juan Diego told the bishop about the apparition and request, but he didn’t believe him and demanded a sign before he would approve construction of the church. On Dec. 12, the Virgin reappeared to Juan Diego and ordered him to collect roses in his tilmátli, a kind of cloak. Juan took the roses to the bishop and when he opened his cloak, dozens of roses fell to the floor and revealed the image of the Virgen of Guadalupe imprinted on the inside. The tilmátli with the image is on display in the Basilica de Guadalupe.

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