January Donor of the Month- John Romano
John M. Romano attended Villanova University as a "day hop" from 1959-1963. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Villanova University in Industrial Administration. After serving in the Army National Guard, he worked for Sears Robuck and Company from 1964-1966. In 1966, he joined Mobile Oil Corporation and he retired in 1996. The last twelve years of his working career he served as Manager, Financial and Administrative Services with Mobil’s Mining and Minerals Division. His duties included credit management, company leased autos, and he was manager of the contract committee. In retirement John served as president of his local home owners association.
John wants to remind donors to take advantage of company matching gift programs. Exxon Mobile will match contributions up to $5000. John was a life long friend of Bobby Capone, the long-time executive director of the Blue White Club. They attended grade school, high school, and college together. To show you how times have changed, John included a copy of his first semester tuition bill, which was $360. John lives with his wife and family in Midlothian, Virginia. A special “Thanks” to John going back to his retired contacts and asking them to ask for a matching gift from Exxon to go to BWSF. To see if your company matches, please visit our website– Donate Tab-Employer Match Link– Simply type in your current / past company name. The answer will appear! How great is that?