November 2016: Acts of Kindness featuring Gina DeMarco

Meet the magic behind some incredible auction items. For three years now we have held a Fall Fundraiser and the Sinatra Night. The Auction is the critical part of raising money. The Board of Directors are asked to donate items, but most items are single donations and the tasks of creating baskets, pricing, and writing up the descriptions and transporting the auction items is left to the Executive Director. Volunteer Gina DeMarco has spearheaded this huge undertaking and we cannot thank her enough for weeks of hard work. The entire DeMarco family has helped in the past with check in decorating and general fundraising efforts. Gina is the consummate caregiver. She attended Hahnemann University School of Allied Health to become a Physicians’ Assistant and went on to get her Master’s in Forensic Medicine. Her passion for taking care of the young and old is inspiring! Yes, she rescues animals, too!